The College Review <i>Edge</i>
Why Are We the Top Producers of Top Scores?
Our mission is to partner with families to help students achieve their college admission goals. We accomplish this by preparing students for their high school admissions exams or their college admissions and beyond. We do this with our proven curriculum, professional tutors, and personalized service. We continue to develop and provide new and improved methods for test preparation with innovations like our proprietary Profiling Map Assessment™ which is the most detailed and prescriptive diagnostic tool available in the test prep industry today.
Our Programs
Maximizing your child's preparation so they can perform at a peak level of effectiveness on the exams is our number one objective. Our programs are designed to fit your budget, your time frame, your child's learning style and your family's priorities.
With our One-on-One, Private Tutoring and small classroom setting we ensure that your child is getting the individual attention that they need. We believe that there are four key components that are fundamental to sucess and maximizing scores:
- Customized 12 week program combining classroom with private tutoring -- Ensures that your child is getting the individual attention that they need
- Use of professional, tutors who are matched to your child’s needs --- Optimizes the learning interaction
- Custom-developed and time-tested curriculum --- Teaches the key test-taking strategies needed to succeed
- Practice tests --- Using actual College Board and ACT samples, these tests benchmark your child’s progress, and prepares them to perform at the peak of their ability